According to the Church’s Canon Law, every parish should have a finance committee.  Our Parish is no exeption.

The purpose of the Finance Committee is to act as a consultative body to assist the Parish Priest in discharging his responsibilities for the financial administration of our Parish in accordance with Canon Law, Diocesan regulations and the requirements of the Charities Commission.

Early in the year, the Finance Committee prepares the annual budget.

Current membership of the Finance Committee:

  • Aileen Barry (Perranporth)
  • Margaret Colaco (Finance Assistant)
  • Joe Hill (St Agnes Representative)
  • David Millward (Chair, Treasurer and Newquay Representative)
  • Jodie Roberts (Secretary)
  • (Parish Priest – to be confirmed)

If you have any financial queries or financial recommendations relating to the Parish, please contact a member of the Finance Committee or email the Parish Office.